Flexitarian Diet - dietbasis.com
Flexitarian Diet

Flexitarian Diet

Flexitarian is a marriage of two words: flexible and vegetarian. The term was coined more than a decade ago by registered dietitian Dawn Jackson Blatner in her 2009 book, “The Flexitarian Diet: The Mostly Vegetarian Way to Lose Weight, Be Healthier, Prevent Disease and Add Years to Your Life.” With a flexitarian diet, also known as a semi-vegetarian diet, you don’t have to completely eliminate meat to reap the health benefits associated with vegetarianism. Instead, you can be a vegetarian most of the time, but still enjoy a burger or steak on special occasions. By eating more plants and less meat, studies show that people who follow the diet may not only lose weight but can improve their overall health by lowering their rate of heart disease, diabetes and cancer. And because it reduces meat consumption, it’s considered planet-friendly.